Streaming Airline Traffic with ADS-B

Version 7 comes with some handy components which can import real-time ADS-B stream from online providers, process the data and import aircraft onto the scenario, live.

Each imported aircraft hold dynamics, so its position can be extrapolated between updates if needed.

On these time lapse videos, vsTASKER has processed in real time the traffic over large areas, during hours. The screen has been recorded every second, then the resulting movie has been accelerated 30 to 40 times. Simulation was running at 30 hz with up to 12000 aircraft. ADS-B stream was updating them every 30 seconds.

During the simulation run, number of departures and arrivals were counted as well as flown distances. Aircraft trail change color according to altitude. White above 10000m, green below, red under 500m. The hotter the color, the lower the aircraft.

Following videos show traffic in the World, Europe and New-York state. In this demo:

  • ADS-B stream from
  • ADS-B stream from
  • vsTASKER 7 with dedicated HMI
  • Debut Video Capture
  • Filmora 9 for the video edition