

You need the crypt code to install the software. If you want to discover the product, download the free version. To test the product, ask for an evaluation if you are not in a country covered by our distributors.

What’s New     Brochure    Technical Specs

Road Map for Version 7
  • OsgEarth 2.10 with Orbits and Satellites (v7.3)
  • Unreal Integration with proprietary protocol (v7.3)
  • Scenario TimeLine (v7.3)
  • Network Simulation with channels communication (v7.3)
  • DIS visual interface + components (based on OpenDIS) (v8)
  • SQLite support (v8)
  • DDS support (based on OpenDDS) (v8)
  • User draw layer for map (v8)
  • vsTASKER GUI on x64 bits (v8)
  • Navigation Mesh (v8)
  • Behavior Trees (v8)
  • wxWidget integration demo + tutorial (v8)
  • RCS use for Radar simulation (v8)
  • Multiple Plans for Entities (v8)
  • JSBsim Flight Model integration (v8)
  • Runtime Behaviors (v8)
  • Technical cruise with tickets process (v8)
See the progress on Trello
vsTASKER version 7.2 progress 100%
For installing Release, you need to request an evaluation to get the installation password. Install updates if you already have the version 7.2, to avoid reinstalling the whole application.

For updates, you must be under maintenance to get the install password. The update upgrades your installed release version up to the specified build. When they are cumulative, you do not need to install the previous updates. Updater will ask you before overwriting a newer file.

Outdated versions


vsVIEWER can be installed by downloading the release pack or the update file if the release has already be installed.
vsVIEWER version 1.1 progress 30%


vsRAD can be installed without dependencies. Its C code can be compiled and linked with any Visual Studio.Solutions for 2008, 2010 and 2015 are provided in the package.In vsTASKER v7, vsRAD is integrated into the HMI builder.
vsRAD version 4.5 progress 25%
Outdated versions