vsTASKER release notes v7.0

What’s new in build 7.0.26
[608] (16/03/2024)

  1. Fix a calculation error in speed vector for WingDyn_High
  2. Fix the UTC and WallClock checkboxes (now saved)
  3. Add a Waypoints importer (RNAV)
  4. Improved the GPX importer for both Points and Trajectories
  5. Fix the UTC check box in the Scenario Property window
  6. Julian date is now updated correctly
  7. Fix discrepancy in the position of satellites in map and globe views
  8. Remove a memory leak in with circleLineIntersection and sphereLineIntersection functions
  9. Fix a crash with TGA textures in HMI
  10. Flight Plan Turn Fix arc circle center can be manually set on the map
  11. Turn Fix are now correctly flown in all cases
  12. Flight Plan long legs are drawn using great circle (patch 1)
  13. Minor fixes from various patches

What’s new in build 7.0.25
[608] (12/12/2023)

  1. Fix osgEarth connection with OpenSSL (now working)
  2. Fix crash at runtime when satellite TLE is decayed
  3. Update the ISS demo to be osgEarth ready
  4. Fix in runtime update of performances data for WingDyn_High
  5. Fix the satellites demos (entities were not moving)
  6. Sim now updates orbit in the GUI
  7. GUI updates orbits during runtime every 1/4 of the period
  8. In GUI, Julian time is correctly updated during runtime
  9. Fix a small computation error in Julian date (MJD) conversion

What’s new in build 7.0.24
[608] (13/09/2023)

  1. Integrates patches 1 to 3
  2. Allows Scenario Log to be saved and printed (toolbar menu)
  3. Minor bug fixes repatriated from v6.2.15:
    • FlightManage: waypoint is reached when below “at_reach” travel time, set up in component
    • Velocity Vector computation: no more normalized on Alt under Lat/Lon computations
    • Improve the following of flight plans with arc-circle path (RF terminator)
    • Fix the unstable speed (TAS) with WingDyn_High, when < 5 m/s
    • A/C under flight-plan and WingDyn_High have climb/descent limited by max values
    • FlightManage: Altitude Mode can be favored : Slope or MaxRate
    • In Altitude_Slope flight mode, pitch is correctly bounded (asin func is protected)
  4. Stamped as last build for 7.0

Patch 3 for 7.0.23
[608] (15/06/2023)

  1. Fix the 1 Hour frequency for component (was reverting to 1 Hz)
  2. 1 Hour for auto-save is now granted
  3. Fix a crash when Propagator is not attached to an orbit
  4. New SIM API for Orbits creation/update/deletion in vt_navigation.h with GUI sync
  5. Fix the TAS computed with VelocityVector, for High Dynamics, for low speeds (< 5 m/s)
  6. Some minor cosmetic fixes

Patch 2 for 7.0.23
[608] (10/03/2023)

  1. Add Satellite Data section in OrbitProp TLE panel (extracted from the TLE)
  2. Add SatData class to handle Satellite data (with setters)
  3. Add makeTle() function (in OrbitRep class) to generate a TLE
  4. Fix makefile generation for Pitch RTI with vc140
  5. FlightManage: waypoint is reached when below “at_reach” travel time, set up in component
  6. Velocity Vector computation: no more normalized on Alt under Lat/Lon computations
  7. Improve the following of flight plans with arc-circle path (RF terminator)

Patch 1 for 7.0.23
[607] (26/01/2023)

  1. Roads: user can now change the Simplify up to Distance value
  2. Fix Road Naming user selection in the ArcInfo Road Importer
  3. Add RoadsMaker demo in Import directory for C++ Builder

What’s new in build 7.0.23
[607] (03/12/2022)

  1. Fix a bug with HighFidelity components preventing negative rates
  2. Add GPX routes/tracks import for Roads
  3. Add getTAS() to BasicDyn returning the magnitude of the speed vector, if computed
  4. High Fidelity Dynamic components returns TAS when getSpeed() is called
  5. Fix Roads import from ArcInfo + cosmetic fixes on Import window
  6. Fix Road import from Exported file (rds)
  7. Improved visibility of selected roads or road strips
  8. Minor cosmetic fixes

What’s new in build 7.0.22
[607] (16/10/2022)

  1. Fix all Qt samples
  2. Fix some SQL samples
  3. Fix VegaPrime samples compiling in x64 with VP18
  4. Flight-Plan waypoint selection is reflected on the map and conversely
  5. User defined RNav Holding patterns can be edited with immediate feedback
  6. User defined speed for GUI runtime monitoring – patch1
  7. WingDyn & High now compute real vertical speed (not based on pitch)
  8. getFPA() function added to WingDyn & High
  9. computeVelocity() function replaced with computeVelocity(bool)
  10. Velocity vector improved accuracy for *_High dynamic components
  11. Improve accuracy of getGroundSpeed() for WinDyn_High
  12. Generated code for Simulink models supports Matlab for up to R2020a
  13. Minor cosmetic fixes

What’s new in build 7.0.21
[607] (10/08/2022)

  1. Fix a bug after pausing a component from the behavior panel (cannot restart)
  2. Paused component (from the GUI) can now be stopped
  3. Fix the WingDyn_High getGroundSpeed()
  4. WingDyn_High now computes correct FPA which is not pitch like for WingDyn
  5. Fix VerticalSpeed command in Entity Hook Window
  6. Fix WingDyn and WingDyn_High vertical speed constraint
  7. Add setVerticalSpeed() for WingDyn
  8. Fix go_hide demo (OpenGL)
  9. Fix msl_ballistic demo (OpenGL)
  10. Fix stage7 demo (OpenGL)
  11. Fix InterceptMissile component
  12. Add effectiveness factor (%) to InterceptMissile
  13. BasicMissile has now auto_kill switch user definable
  14. Fix BasePilot component (may crash when AutoStart ON)
  15. Fix GamePad (does not run if BasePilot is OFF)
  16. Fix some OsgEarth demos (not compiling or running)
  17. Fix some OSG demos (crash at start)
  18. Fix some HMI demos
  19. Documentation updates
  20. Code cleaning

What’s new in build 7.0.20
[607] (19/05/2022)

  1. Improve the CIGI coge generation for 3.3
  2. Add MPV test demo
  3. Add Unigine Cigi test demo
  4. Fix the Synchronous CIGI protocol
  5. Fix import of old databases with Charts
  6. Fix DEM import at reload for GUI & SIM
  7. Allow ArcInfo SHP files import for GUI
  8. Elev and ArcInfo loaded by SIM reflected in GUI
  9. SIM can load raw elevation tiles and call makeTexBitmaps() for OpenGL display
  10. Fix road import from ArcInfo shapes with dislocated segments
  11. Add Export::Roads functionality
  12. Fix the window resize for Glut and OpenGL viewer
  13. Allow F3 to resize correctly the OpenGL viewer after Maximize
  14. Fix HprEuler & EulerHpr computation (patch 3)
  15. Fix Terrain Properties window sometimes not showing (patch 4)
  16. Fix a memory overwrite at import of some shapefiles with very long internal names (patch 5)
  17. Several minor fixes

What’s new in build 7.0.19
[606] (11/02/2022)

  1. Fix the x64 def_grid.lib (API missing)
  2. Add Selelect/Deselect All buttons in ArcInfo editor panel
  3. Road Importer now keeps the existing roads (append)
  4. Fix DEM importer (include now UTM projected files)
  5. Fix wrong coordinates for some DEM imported files
  6. Elevations (DTED) tiles are now displayed correctly when tilted
  7. Fix the computed length of the roads, when map coordinates are set to LLA
  8. Improve the drawing speed of heavy loaded elevations database
  9. Runtime entities now have correct reference to their catalog
  10. Fix the catalog reference for runtime instances
  11. Entity hook window displays in title: name [catalog] (id)
  12. Fix the constant radius arc drawing in flight-plans

What’s new in build 7.0.18
[606] (29/01/2022)

  1. Fix a bug with some terrain position mouse selector
  2. Fix terrain Elevations wizard for auto coloring
  3. Add terrain Elevations color smoothing flag (in layer property window)
  4. Fix DTED loading of improperly generated files
  5. Fix Perspective view for terrain Elevations
  6. Add altitude amplifier for Elevation terrain in perspective view
  7. Fix some Road drawing (when segments are pure vertical or horizontal)
  8. Add GeoJSON Road importer
  9. Fix bugs with DEM importer on some database
  10. Fix import of empty arcinfo shape files
  11. Improve performances in importing massive roads (JSON or ArcInfo)
  12. Fix uninitialized map after Create New database
  13. Add SharedMem libs into vcc_gui libs
  14. Fix remote creation of new entity from external GUI
  15. Fix the id value in shared-memory entity segment
  16. Fix a random bug warning message with the code updater
  17. Add a simple_remote demo with Qt interface
  18. Add a road_navigation demo for OpenGL
  19. Extend the road API to facilitate the direct road navigation
  20. Fix a bug preventing removing Plan entries from the list
  21. Fix removal of user graphics on runtime side, at each entity deletion
  22. Improve performance of Proximity component
  23. Add Proximity component tutorial example
  24. Add WindEffect component (+ tutorial)
  25. Add new Attach mode (Gfx_Mounted) for graphic objects
  26. Add function collideWith(Vt_Entity*) for Vt_Entity object
  27. Add Collision tutorial example
  28. PtfBody has a flag and a validation function to outline the body (GUI & SIM)
  29. isOpponent() and getOpponents() functions moved from Entity to Vt_Entity class

What’s new in build 7.0.17
[605] (14/11/2021)

  1. Fix a bug in HLA code generation (64 bits integers are now long long)
  2. Fix the generated code for HLA function requestAttributeValueUpdate()
  3. Fix osgEarth generated code for vc140
  4. Fix wrong behavior in FlightManage component at flight-plan restart
  5. Updating some values of FlightManage during runtime now keep the flight-plan running
  6. Fix the orientation of a racetrack defined as terminator in flight-plan
  7. Imported flight plans now creates waypoints or navaids when not found on the RNAV database
  8. Improve the FlightManage to make aircraft better follow the FPlan slope
  9. Add Import menu for FlightPlans
  10. Add bulk import panel (FPlans for now)
  11. Fix ICAO size in RNAV (up to 4 characters now)
  12. Aircraft now follow F-Plan using a slope between waypoints
  13. Fix Flight-Plans Rearrange function
  14. Add Entity Commands Import/Export functions (and buttons)
  15. Fix Manual setting & Resume for speed & altitude in FlightManager component
  16. Flight-Manager reacts to Entity Hook Window changes

What’s new in build 7.0.16
[604] (01/07/2021)

  1. FPlan supports user defined color (button available in FPlan Property window)
  2. FPlan RF terminator needs now to define the rotation center (lat/lon)
  3. Fix length computation for RF path terminator (using GreatCircle)
  4. Fix drawing of RF arc circle path
  5. Fix RF following (flight_manage.h)
  6. FlightManage component now deletes on request A/C at FPlan end
  7. Fix a bug with Features + DataModel : Interface no more erased after start
  8. Fix a crash with Features (all) when clicking DataModel property button, with no DataModel
  9. Feature Property windows stay on top at runtime (when opened)
  10. Features are drawn from last to first (vs features.lst)
  11. HLA OMT Enums are now set with the proper size (according to representation)
  12. Fix a bug with strlcpy (was ending the string when it should not)
  13. Fix the dongle upgrade/activation process (was not working)
  14. Fix a crash with runtime Flight Plan windows when selecting an unused f-plan

What’s new in build 7.0.15
[603] (15/05/2021)

  1. Fix a crash when exiting GUI with big RNav (memory cleaning process)
  2. Fix Procedures using Runway coordinates
  3. Automatically convert old databases (no more questioning)
  4. Checking button verifies entity symbol and 3D models files exists
  5. Fix Knowledge Entry Point missing complaint
  6. RNav Display Settings can now limit display to RNav tab only
  7. Fix crash at start with some OpenGL Satellite demos
  8. Fix some Sample databases

What’s new in build 7.0.14
[602] (12/01/2021)

  1. Fix the HLA synchronization mechanism with multiple federates
  2. Fix a bug in time stamped messages under HLA time managed simulation
  3. Fix userTag publish subscribe for all RTI version & vendors
  4. Fix VariableLengthData for RTI 1.3 code generation
  5. Fix the HLA generated code for all RTI vendors (1.3, 1516, Evolved)
  6. Cleanup of the HLA generated code for all RTI vendors
  7. Fix the vc141 x64 libraries (some modules were missing)
  8. Fix the mySQL demo (moved to /Db/SQL)
  9. Upgrade the mySQL demo to vc140 with mySQL v8
  10. Rename the Runtime/mySQL to /Runtime/SQL
  11. Fix a crash in 3D viewer when no terrain file is provided

What’s new in build 7.0.13
[602] (06/10/2020)

  1. Fix the map background color which was not showing
  2. Fix OnSelect display for Radar/Sonar/Visual sensors
  3. Fix the frand(a,b) function when used with numbers > |30|
  4. In WingDyn, setElevation no more change the altitude mode, use setAltitudeMode()
  5. ADD/DEL_ENTITY event is now received by the entity code
  6. WingDyn_High: stall only below 100 ft
  7. Add Helo icon display for entities
  8. Fix a bug in Socket TCP with the Event or Frequency changes

What’s new in build 7.0.12
[602] (06/10/2020)

  1. Fix the generated code with Mak RTI 64 bits
  2. Fix the file selector for HLA FOM loading
  3. Fix the code generation with Pitch1516 on 32 and 64 bits
  4. Fix a crash when deleting multiple Objects/Interactions in a FedItem
  5. Can now compile and run 64 bits application from GUI (console/OpenGL only)
  6. LAN is now a separate licensed module
  7. Fix a potential bug in size padding for socket messages with 64 libs
  8. Import text features from the GUI now allowed (not only programmatically)
  9. Improved the Formation Pattern flight
  10. Add the virtual function resetRotation in High dynamic components
  11. Code Updater is now case sensitive
  12. Made the entity heading arrow available for all shapes
  13. Vessel entity symbol size can be dynamic or fixed
  14. Improve the automatic naming of runtime entities
  15. Fix a bug whith Scenario Time Reference (now, disable it works)
  16. Fix an overlapping problem with FedItem window
  17. Add Catalog to the Type list of Dynamic Interfaces
  18. Fix some cosmetic glitches on the GUI

What’s new in build 7.0.11
[601] (20/07/2020)

  1. Improved the drawing of the Formation Pattern in the GUI (information lines)
  2. Make the Formation component more programmable with new functions
  3. Greatly improved the Formation component: better pattern follow by members
  4. In Chrono class, function elapsed() has been replaced by triggerOn(). Make sure you use the correct function. triggerOn() resets everytime it returns true. If you need a test which does not reset the timer, use greater()
  5. RNAV: fix the OnSelect display when selectin an item on the list
  6. Fix a crash with the Finder when the pattern is inside an Entry/Exit Point or in a Condition
  7. Fix a bug with the RNav display of text. Display mode is now used (OnZoom, OnSelect…)
  8. Features can be selected/deselected on runtime code (for display)
  9. Fix a discrepency in OSG terrain positioning between the SIM view and the GUI 3D editor
  10. Fix the 3D Editor entity selected box (centerer on the offseted altitude)
  11. Fix the entity selection mode on the 3D Editor for Flat-Earth mode
  12. Fix the color of some labels in the Entity Hook window under Dark mode
  13. Add a check box in HMI property window to enable/disable the mouse right-click menu

What’s new in build 7.0.10
[583] (19/06/2020)

  1. Allow the Info String, LoS and AoS to be used during runtime on OpenGL/HMI maps
  2. Fix a bug with Info String (memory corruption)
  3. Moved orbit_tle.cpp file from /src to /src/OrbitTools (where it belongs)
  4. Fix a crash when starting Osg based scenario and 3D terrain cannot be found
  5. Allow the Entity label to be repositioned on OpenGL window (including Qt VsViewer)
  6. FlightManager component has now a manual hold procedure (startHolding)
  7. Improve FlightManager ILS glide slope acquiring
  8. Fix a bug introduced in v7 hidding all Sprites when GdiMap was defined
  9. In GdiMap, mpos has been replaced by mmouse.pos (MouseObj) to allow use of ScenDraw.lib
  10. In GdiMap, wpos has been removed, mmouse.world should be used instead
  11. LineString, LoS and AoS can now be used in GdiMap
  12. Runtime Map can be moved by selecting background with right mouse button and dragging
  13. Fix the Flight Plan preparation with complete procedures (sid, star, approach, final, missed approach)
  14. Allow a Flight Plan to be created in real-time
  15. WingDyn_High improved with take off and landing support (mostly visually). Ground correct rolling.
  16. Add altitudeMode() support to WingDyn_High (capability to keep a slope, climbing or descending)
  17. Fix a bug with Roads. Simplified network is only used when Use Simple option is checked
  18. In BasicDyn() freeze()/release() replaced by freezeMotion & releaseMotion() as they were shadowing the component freeze/release functions.
  19. Support for multiple dynamics for entities (once at a time). See Developer Manual.
  20. Improved the RoadFollowing component to adapt the speed to the path to follow
  21. Add ILS capture mode to the FlightManager (with automatic landing)
  22. FlightManager supports request to land, abort landing and go-around procedures
  23. WingDyn_High can optionaly use air-brakes to avoid diving to lower altitude
  24. WingDyn_High supports altitude mode using vertical speed
  25. HiHdgCtrl model supports steering angle based computation (front wheels only)
  26. Add CigiLandingGears component for CIGI control of the landing gears
  27. Add LandingGears component (which simulates the landing gears retraction/extension and malfunctions)
  28. In OpenGL map (and GdiMap), entity labels can be repositioned even if entity is not selected
  29. CIGI supports runtime addition/deletion of entities
  30. Replaced “clamped” by “grounded” (functions and variables) as clamped meant nothing
  31. Fix a crash when deleting with Del key an entityselected from the Environment list
  32. Fix a bug in the code generation making compilation error when changing viewer from OSG to any other
  33. Fix a bug making compilation error when disabling CIGI (while defined)
  34. CIGI and OSG now uses PtfBody HAT value to offset visually the 3D model
  35. PtfBody hat variable is now protected. Use get/setHAT() to access it in r/w
  36. FlightPlan deselectAll is available during runtime
  37. Runtime entities: fix a bug in the code generation: RESET case of the Initialization phase is now called
  38. Fix the CtrlRate packet (CIGI) with correct vector computation
  39. Fix wrong opposite runway point computation
  40. Secure the code of hi_*_ctrl.cpp components to avoid a rare but serious #NAN problem
  41. Fix the zoom (mouse wheel) of the GdiMap (HMI). Linear whatever the zoom factor
  42. Runtime entities have now their field catalog setup (null if default used)
  43. Fix the Export so that external entities are auto-deleted when not updated, in standalone mode
  44. Add Axle principle to HiHdgCtrl for better dynamic when Wheel mode is selected
  45. Add question dialog when importing same name features
  46. Add Export/Import of Road network
  47. Fix a bug at runtime, in the GUI, when sim creates special zones
  48. New created roads got values defaulted from the latest defined one
  49. Fix a bug with the Road Property selector list: now opens the selected road
  50. Roads are correctly displayed in dark theme
  51. Fix a bug with scenario line-info (when hooking at entities)
  52. Fix a bug with Export component: shared-mem entity data enabled for standalone exe
  53. Fix a bug with action: return RESTART code. Now restarts the EPoint
  54. Fix a bug with E/XPoint validation part: edata() and gEvent() now work
  55. Improve the SpecialZone property window with visible feedback on selection
  56. Add a Flat Earth <-> LatLon conversion function in WCoord class
  57. OSG can use the FlatEarth projection with OpenFlt terrain
  58. Road intersection points can now be unmerged manually
  59. Fix the Road add point. Works now on both road ends
  60. Fix an old bug: Task & Groups have now INIT & RESET called during runtime
  61. Generated code includes now AllLanSck lan; to access socket objects with: lan.<socket name>
  62. Fix a crash when copy/paste an E/XPoint on a Logic Behavior object
  63. Greatly improved the FlightManager component
  64. FlightManager can support helicopter dynamic
  65. Add Cost value for each road with Weight mode to favor less costy paths
  66. Feature List fixed: multiple selection available for deletion. Edit on double-click works
  67. Fix the Special Zones import … from the right click menu (using File selection dialog)
  68. Fix bug with embeded folders in Logic. Background double-click now works correctly
  69. Fix a bug which was adding a lot of useless carriage returns in the generated code
  70. Improved the HeloDyn_High component
  71. Fix the previous zoom recall after database load
  72. The Finder can now find/replace text patterns in Socket items
  73. Add Mesh and Road for Dynamic User Interface TYPE[]
  74. Using clear(1) /delete or clear(2) /free for UserMesh nodes (to clear udata)
  75. All feature elements are now sorted after load
  76. Fix a bug with Dynamic Interface values for Plan’s Routines
  77. HMI Switch can now act as a push-button with multiple zones (and not only toggle)
  78. When a logic Group is exited, the running task inside are now properly terminated
  79. Logic Groups now receive START, STOP and PAUSE
  80. Fix a bug in MotionSlide with path: speed was not set in the dynamic (always 0)
  81. Fix the sun position in OSG with shadows enabled
  82. Fix the LandDyn dynamic clamping mode
  83. Fix the RNav Holding drawing
  84. Fix a bug with renamed HMI Sprites which keep coming back
  85. Reduced the HMI database which was increasing its object list at every save
  86. Fix a seldom Domain Error (sqrt) on some decayed orbits
  87. Fix a terrain resize problem with XY Projection Coastlines
  88. Fix coastline drawing for Pacific Centered scenarios
  89. Fix aspect ratio for Lat/Lon map when Square Surfaces are set in Map Settings
  90. RNAV User Settings are now working (before, only default values were used)

What’s new in build 7.0.9
[574] (16/02/2020)

  1. Change code generation and some interface to comply with C++11 (under Qt)
  2. Fix a bug with OpenFlight loader, now when Origin is defined, terrain is correctly translated.
  3. OpenFlight loader can now translate groups correctly
  4. OpenFlight loader supports 16.7 file format
  5. Fix a bug with broadcast udp mode (receiver)
  6. Add a removeAll() function to remove all feature at runtime from the code
  7. Fix a bug with FutureTrack not working on HMI map when controlled from the code
  8. Upgrade the Qt examples to 2015 (v5.9.8)
  9. Basic Setup visual setup was not displayed on ATC_Ent plugin (fixed)
  10. Could not reposition the label at design in ATC_Ent plugin (fixed)
  11. Runtime features are removed at simulation stop
  12. Fix a bug forbidding mouse relocation of a runtime Peature Point with bitmap
  13. Unloaded Sprite DLL can be activated at load if HMI uses them (before were ignored)
  14. Unloaded Feature DLL can be activated at load if scenario defines some (before were ignored)
  15. Fix a bug which was making the GUI invisible when license was invalid
  16. SourceId is now automatically added to send message (and filtered out if needed)
  17. WingDyn now allows reversing heading when backing up
  18. Motion* components: setSpeed/Altitude() switch the mode to Manual and not Forced
  19. Add SQlite libraries (and headers) with a little demo
  20. In FlightPlan, add manual terminator entry with no fix (like CA)
  21. Capability to reorder flight-plan waypoints (even in SID or STAR)
  22. When an entity is selected, reselecting it will not reset the diagram current focus
  23. WingDyn has now Min/Max pitch angles and max roll angles user can set
  24. Airliner component has been rewritten to use more of WingDyn
  25. Fix a bug in the FlightPlan export which prevented to save/load raw format (the most useful)
  26. When a road way is changed, all strip ways are also changed (user confirmation requested)
  27. Fix a crash when deleting from the GUI the last strip/segment of a road
  28. Add a menu option to split a road trip into 2 identical strips
  29. Road strips no more hold Category (moved to the Road). Automatic migration at load
  30. Add Final RNav procedures (from the database up to the flight-plan)
  31. RNav relink now look for the closest fix in case of similar designators
  32. Drastically improve the processing time of the RNav database at load (for world database)
  33. Fix a bug with WinDyn at touchdown (heading problem)
  34. Improve the loading speed of SVG database
  35. Add more AP controls for the FlightManager (speed, altitude change, offset fplan, etc)
  36. Fix a crash with CIGI Packet import (when the exported Packet has XPoint)
  37. Fix a bug with OSG Cockpit view which was looking backward instead of forward
  38. A DataModel attached to a Feature point can now be editable
  39. Fix a crash when closing a Feature DataModel during runtime
  40. Fix a crash when importing a CigiPacket
  41. network pointer is initialized in all objects (was 0 before, same as vt_rtc->networks)
  42. OpenGL Viewer allows use of OpenGL or Glut layer
  43. GL/vt_ogl.cpp/h (in include and src) are now shared by OpenGL & Glut
  44. Glut32.lib/dll has been enhanced to support mouse wheel value (for all OpenGL windows). If you see the following error: __glutGetMouseScrollDelta, you need to replace C:\Windows\System\glut32.dll with the one in C:\VirtualSim\vsTasker\7\bin\vc100\glut32.dll
  45. Menus can be added in Glut windows & HMI maps
  46. Add Zoom by Wheel on HMI GdiMap Sprite (replace the right mouse button + CTRL zoom)
  47. Add a Quit menu option to HMI window including GdiMap to close resources nicely

What’s new in build 7.0.8
[572] (24/01/2020)

  1. Add SpeedMode for MotionGoto, MotionFollow, MotionSlide, MotionZone and MotionPattern components. Speed value and mode are now separate.
  2. Add AltitudeMode for MotionGoto, MotionFollow, MotionSlide, MotionZone and MotionPattern components. See Developer Guide for more explanations on how to adjust to this change.
  3. Capability to go reverse using negative speed with MotionGoto, MotionFollow and MotionSlide components.
  4. Deprecation of some API: move(float), move2D(float) and forceSpeed(float) have been replaced with move(), move2D() and setSpeed(). Refer to Developer Guide.
  5. Add a NaviGraph raw data importer.
  6. Improved the processing speed of RNAV data after load.
  7. Minor bug fixes and cosmetic changes

What’s new in build 7.0.7
[570] (13/01/2020)

  1. Fix MotionFollow and MotionSlide component to allow negative speeds and reverse motion
  2. Add Proximity Mesh optimization feature for Sensor (works with Radar, Visual, Sonar)
  3. Fix a bug with the DynamicUI color selector
  4. Add debug option for linkage (which generates pdb) for release debug (with attachment)
  5. Fix the standalone mode (exe now starts automatically)
  6. Closing the HMI window now gracefully stops the simulation
  7. Rebuild all debug librairies to remove a dependancy to vld.lib

What’s new in build 7.0.6
[567] (03/01/2020)

  1. Add AviationEdge server for ADS-B input
  2. Improved the ADS-B component
  3. Unified the output of the ADS-B NetReaderApp application
  4. Improved the performance of all string related operations (code generation…)
  5. Runtime entity can now be created with a name (no need to call rename)
  6. Add LargeAddress for over 2Gig memory access for x86 projects (Db Options)
  7. Fix several memory leaks with runtime entities (a concern when thousands are created and deleted)
  8. Fix numerous memory leaks using Purify tool
  9. Add HMI/Sprites libraries for x64 simulation engine for VisualStudio 2010/2015/2017

What’s new in build 7.0.5
[561] (23/12/2019)

  1. ADS-B component, demo and tutorial
  2. Fix compilation of sample HMI/village
  3. Fix 3D Editor to allowing entity reposition with the mouse
  4. Improve the history track with individual color and fading effects
  5. Fix WebMap tile resizing (better coverage of the terrain)
  6. Active scenario is now automatically focused at database load
  7. Add user defined background color for the HMI output window
  8. Enhance the drawing of a Slider sprite (when background missing)
  9. Fix a crash when calling the Font manager from a sprite
  10. Add the function terminate() to Vt_RTC class (to be called from the sim)
  11. Fix a bug with the code tags for Sprites
  12. Make the HMI responsive even when vt_rtc->stop() is called
  13. Fix bug with History Tracks not being displayed with Mute SharedMem
  14. Fix terrain sizing. Corners have now prevalence over width and length.
  15. Fix WebMap tile sizing
  16. Greatly improve the performance of the History Tracks (CPU wise)
  17. Add Future Track to Entity (with runtime API)
  18. Fix an old bug which was preventing Data-Model monitoring at runtime
  19. Numerous little cosmetic changes

What’s new in build 7.0.4
[561] (30/11/2019)

  1. RNav can read the ARINC424 header (and displays it)
  2. Fix some dark theme coloring
  3. Fix the Enroute display (name highlighted)
  4. Fix the multi-sequences SID/STAR display (first sequence displayed)
  5. Add display toggle for Low and High Enroutes
  6. Fix the prune out process for all hemispheres
  7. Add alpha value for brightness control of raster and web maps
  8. Fix a crash when running OpenGL viewer (or Qt viewer) – fix 7.0.3 update bug
  9. Secured all topmost windows to prevent some to appear behind some others
  10. Improved the grid lat/lon display
  11. Fix a bug in the Lat/Lon default values for Grid settings
  12. Set Coastline color suitable for both themes
  13. Fix the Charts and Curves colors in dark theme
  14. Add the global Vt_Entity::check_name_unicity flag to fasten creation of thousands entities
  15. GdiOsg needs an OsgViewer to work. Fix HMI/village demo
  16. Fix a terrain dimensions bug when extremities are close to antemeridian.
  17. Fix Lat/Lon grid decimal unit display
  18. Fix the unzoom functionality (map toolbar)

What’s new in build 7.0.3
[554] (19/11/2019)

  1. Logic Task can now have a persistant EPoint
  2. Fix a bug with Persistant EPoint. Now, the EPoint reactivates (if persistant) only when the object it is hooked on leaves normally with DONE. Before, it reactivated immediatly. This may impact some faulty logics.
  3. Dark theme first draft (features and sprites not covered yet)
  4. Fix a bug when moving Rotator and Knob sprites under zoom (rotation center was slipping away)
  5. Can now paste an entity after copy, using the context menu
  6. Command/Event code now available for auto-update process
  7. Sprite code now available for auto-update process
  8. Allow Send and Receive socket items to use the same port
  9. Socket messages Source Id + filter-out fix: now: when filter out is checked, incoming messages with the same source are ignored and left in the buffer.
  10. Fix the runway display on the FlightPlan window
  11. Fix the broadcast mode (add Any Addr option)

What’s new in build 7.0.2
[550] (01/11/2019)

  1. Entity position was not correctly displayed on the Entity property window
  2. Component FlightManage has been renamed FlightManager (typo corrected)
  3. Fix a bug when saving a proned out RNAV database (no more crash at load)
  4. Runways (and other items) are now visible (hidden by default since then)
  5. FlightManage component makes realistic landings on runways
  6. A Flight-Plan can include a runway to land to or take-off from
  7. Any Flight-Plan waypoint can be removed from the plan
  8. Flight-Plans are now displayed in perspective mode, showing waypoints height
  9. Enhance FlightManage component for takeoff and landing phases
  10. Include the takeoff behavior in WingDyn component
  11. Fix a long freeze at scenario duplication or deletion
  12. Fix color of CircularGrid (and add a center little cross)
  13. Add freetype fonts for Entities (new font selector in Entity Properties)
  14. Add freetype fonts for Sprites (HMI objects)
  15. Circular plugin has been removed (and combined with Grid plugin)
  16. Add a SimpleMap sample for Qt in Runtime/Qt/SimpleMap
  17. Entity hook window now displays the target values for Speed, Heading and Altitude
  18. Reduce size of EntityExport structure by 16 bytes (useful with hundreds of entities)
  19. Fix an echo on Networks when raising Event to vt_rtc
  20. Fix a crash in SpecialZone component when entity is removed during runtime
  21. All terrain layers ask for a new file name at save-as (instead of overwritting the db)
  22. All Sprite and Feature windows can now Apply with effect on the display
  23. Fix a crash when saving-as a database during runtime (rare procedure)
  24. Fix a texture bug when autoloading a database with raster maps
  25. Hook window shows a button to popup the Flight Plan window
  26. Entered decimal lat/lon on Feature Point are no more nulled
  27. Removal of the background definition in Rotator and Slider sprites (use TexShape instead)
  28. Fix a glitches in sprite TexShape at manual resize with aspect ratio on
  29. Fix the OsgViewer camera setting (cockpit was not working well)
  30. Fix the OsgMap sprite (was not functional on v7)

What’s new in build 7.0.1
[547] (01/10/2019)

  1. Automatic code synchronization between Visual Studio and vsTASKER GUI
  2. Titan Vanguard DLL integration + demo
  3. CIGI redesigned including Packet definition imports
  4. Add CIGI in Design mode
  5. Automatic Elevation Data generation using CIGI
  6. VBS-IG integration + demos using CIGI
  7. Add Folders for Cigi, HLA, 4586, DDS and Logic
  8. osgEarth viewer with demos and utility functions
  9. Dynamic User Interface redesign
  10. Single Terrain mode (one terrain shared for all scenarios)
  11. VBS3 Integration, templates and demos using ASI connexion
  12. Window resize and reposition is memorized per object.
  13. Fix ASC import (correct width/height using WGS84 projection instead of Flat Earth)
  14. In TerrainRep, add min and max WCoord variables (lower-left & upper-right).
  15. In TerrainRep, width & height variables replaced with getWidth() & getHeight() methods
  16. For generated code, <dbname>.h has been replaced with <dbname>_hdr.h
  17. Elevation tiles can now be resized using upper-right corner new position
  18. Can import Arc/Info in UTM
  19. Globe mode is now a plugin
  20. New coordinates converter (see Tools::Converter)
  21. MGRS conversion system in WCoord
  22. Arc/Info layers can be offseted and rescaled
  23. Reduce the memory footprint of a loaded database (more objects = more saving)
  24. Fixed the import of ASC Grid elevation data
  25. Fix import of multi-segmented coastline in TerrainBuilder
  26. Reduce the coastline memory footprint
  27. Fix a crash when deleting an Entity hooked with the LineInfo
  28. Fix a crash when deleting an Entity carrying runtime graphics
  29. Fix a crash when disconnecting from an HLA federation
  30. Charts can now display Dots (cloud)
  31. Fixed gaussRand(mon, max)
  32. Gaussian function added: gaussRandStd(mean, standart deviation)
  33. Fix a crash in Chart display with entity name > 20 characters
  34. Fix a memory curruption when closing a scenario with entity bitmaps
  35. Compact database is now working in Tools::
  36. Sprite and Feature toolbars disable buttons when associated dll is not loaded
  37. Fix Template deletion feature
  38. Fix Code Wizard for OSG and OsgEarth
  39. Fix a texture loss when starting/stopping simulation with bitmap entities
  40. Fix a loss of license when vsTASKER GUI using more than 1.6G of RAM
  41. Numerous minor fixes and improvments
  42. Automatically add Event/Fact originator to raiseEvent() raiseFact() calls
  43. Fix the LGROUP scope for Event and Fact (was not working before)
  44. Add fbase (Fact database) object to Vt_Group class
  45. Fix Cone drawing size
  46. Improve the Osg to Map utility (support large databases)
  47. Fix a crash when closing database after Entity duplication
  48. Remove some memory leaks
  49. Improve display of the time for Delays and EPoint
  50. Map right click panning no more deselect what is currently selected
  51. Fix MissileBallistic model
  52. All Features are restored at stop (even if modified during runtime)
  53. Fix Context restart (from a rule). Now, all rules restart
  54. Fix a memory corruption (wrong free) which was causing some random GUI crashes
  55. Add default lighting option to the terrain and entities (for all OSG output)
  56. Add the glNormalize call to fix the color/lighting problem of resized 3D models
  57. Coord2D and Coord3D can now be used as user-data interface type for fields
  58. case UPDATE: now works in Components when data is changed from Uinterface
  59. E|XPoint Event object can now be unselected (cannot before)
  60. Exit Point termination mode now support ABORT
  61. In Design, mouse wheel can scroll Environment, Diagrams when mouse pointer over them
  62. Feature now have “no label” check-box to hide label when displayed
  63. Fix a crash in the GUI when moving with the mouse a trajectory or path during runtime
  64. Secure with a semaphore the rtEvent shared-mem array
  65. New type for User-Interface: FileDef (based on .def text files)
  66. Fix mouse selection/panning problems on diagram panel when scrollbars are not centered
  67. Fix getNewPointAtGC() and elevationToGC() functions (values more accurate)
  68. User can create elevation area (dted) of different resolution for parts of the terrain
  69. Fix a bug with default scenario (now, it is properly saved)
  70. Fix a bug with the boat roll when waves effects is turned on
  71. Elevation textured map now support transparency
  72. LinearCtrl:: raw() has been replaced with reset()
  73. All Dynamic components: forceHeading/Speed/… have been changed to enforceHeading/Speed… An automatic code converter is normally doing the change at upgrade, but may miss some cases.
  74. Dynamics: set() change the target value; enforce() change the current value; reset() change both. These methods are available in LinearCtrl and Hi*Ctrl classes.
  75. Fix a crash when duplicating scenario with WebMap and multiple terrains.
  76. Improved the crash effect of an helicopter
  77. Simulation Directory (DbOptions) can now support environment variable: $(myPath)/…
  78. Add a City Finder (coordinates) in the Terrain Setting window with 15000 cities
  79. iphlpapi.lib must be added to all solutions in VisualStudio (automatically added from GUI)
  80. Release librarie sizes reduced by factor 2
  81. Data Interfaces default value improvment
  82. Search filter in the Model Importer
  83. Can now send events to all selected entities at runtime
  84. Optimization of the GUI performances