vsTASKER – First component : Boids Simulation

This bird flock simulation is the implementation of the Boids algorithm from Craig Reynolds (1986) with some modifications. Like in the Reynold algorithm, only 3 rules are used by all the
boids, to maintain cohesion, separation and alignment.

  • Cohesion: try to get close to the boids seen around;
  • Separation; try to avoid collision with other boids;
  • Alignment: try to follow the boids seen in front.
Some code is provided below the video to help you build this demo in vsTASKER.
The database can also be downloaded.

 GroupFollow Component:

// Method Section:
   //! prepare the list of all surrounding entities that can be seen
   void prepareList();

   //! change the heading when approaching an obstacle
   int avoidObstacles(float dist);

   //! bounce on obstacle when hitting it (birds are not that clever)
   int slideOnObstacle(float dist);

   //! change the heading and speed according to birds around so that
   //! not hit them
   void autoDirection(float& hdg, float& spd);

   //! return the mean speed and heading of birds around
   void getMeanValues(float& hdg, float& spd);

// Data & Interface Section:
    int    display;   //&& LIST[ON,OFF] TYPE[Boolean]
    int    split;     //&& LBL[Split At] DEF[200] TYPE[value]
    double min_dist;  //&& LBL[Minimum Distance] DEF[3] TYPE[Value] UNIT[m]
    float  view_ap;   //&& LBL[View Angle] DEG[50] TYPE[Value] UNIT[deg]
    float  prox_ap;   //&& LBL[Proximity Angle] DEG[100] TYPE[Value] UNIT[deg]
    char   obs_s[NS]; //&& LBL[Obstacles] TYPE[zone]

    ZoneRep* obs;  //!< obstacles if any

    KArray viewlist;
    int escape;
  case RESET: {
       proximity = scen()->flock_size;
       view_ap = scen()->eye_aperture;
       prox_ap = 100;
       split = 200;
       obs = (ZoneRep*) scen()->findFeature(obs_s);
       autofill = true;
       display = false;
       escape = 0;
  } break;
// ==========================================
void GroupFollow::prepareList()
   float pap = DEG2RAD(prox_ap);
   float vap = DEG2RAD(view_ap);
   for (int i = 0; i < proximatelist.count(); i++) {
      Vt_Entity* ngb = proximatelist[i];
      float bear = fabs(ent()->dyn->getBearingTo(ngb->pos));
      if (bear > pap) {
      if (bear < vap) {

// =======================================================
void GroupFollow::getMeanValues(float& hdg, float& spd)
   hdg = spd = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < viewlist.count(); i++) {
      Vt_Entity* oth = viewlist[i]; hdg += oth->getHeading();
      spd += oth->getSpeed();
   if (viewlist.count()) {
      hdg /= viewlist.count();
      spd /= viewlist.count();

// ==============================================================
void GroupFollow::autoDirection(float& delta_h, float& delta_s)
   float dst;
   delta_h = 0;
   delta_s = 1;
   // process all around
   for (int i = 0; i < proximatelist.count(); i++) {
      Vt_Entity* oth = proximatelist[i];
      dst = ent()->pos.distanceTo2D(oth->pos);
      if (dst < min_dist / 2) { // do something 
         delta_s = frand(0.5, 2);
         if (display) {
            Coord2D f = scenario->terrain.db->posToScreen(ent()->pos);
            Coord2D t = scenario->terrain.db->posToScreen(oth->pos);
            ogl_draw->drawLine(f, t);
      if (dst < min_dist) { // space yourself 
         if (ent()->dyn->getBearingTo(oth->pos) < 0) delta_h += DEG2RAD(5);
         else delta_h -= DEG2RAD(5);
         if (display) {
            Coord2D f = scenario->terrain.db->posToScreen(ent()->pos);
            Coord2D t = scenario->terrain.db->posToScreen(oth->pos);
            ogl_draw->drawLine(f, t);

// =========================================
int GroupFollow::avoidObstacles(float dist)
   if (obs) {
      float agl = ent()->dyn->heading.getTarget();
      WCoord npos = ent()->pos.getNewPosAt(agl, 0, dist);
      ShapeRep* block = obs->getIn(npos);
      if (block) { // avoid
         for (int i = 10; i < 90; i += 10) {
            float da = DEG2RAD(i);
            npos = ent()->pos.getNewPosAt(agl + da, 0, dist);
            if (block->isIn(npos)) {
               npos = ent()->pos.getNewPosAt(agl - da, 0, dist);
               if (block->isIn(npos)) continue;
               else { // seems ok, let's check at 1/2 the distance
                  npos = ent()->pos.getNewPosAt(agl - da, 0, dist / 2);
                  if (block->isIn(npos)) continue;
                  else {
                     ent()->dyn->setHeading(agl - da);
                     return 1;
            else { // seems ok, let's check at 1/2 the distance
               npos = ent()->pos.getNewPosAt(agl + da, 0, dist / 2);
               if (block->isIn(npos)) continue;
               else {
                  ent()->dyn->setHeading(agl + da);
                  return 1;
   return 0;

// =========================================================
int GroupFollow::slideOnObstacle(float dist)
   if (obs) {
      ShapeRep* block = obs->getClose(ent()->pos, dist);
      if (block) { // avoid
         float agl1 = ent()->pos.azimuthTo(block->getBarycenter());
         float agl2 = ent()->getHeading();
         float agl = MIN_AGL_SGN(agl1, agl2);
         if (fabs(agl) < PI_2) {
            agl = (PI_2 - fabs(agl))*SGN(agl);
            ent()->dyn->forceHeading(ent()->getHeading() - agl);
            return 1;
   return 0;
if (chrono.lesser("activate", 5)) return AGAIN;

if (escape) {
   return AGAIN;


if (display) {
   Coord2D f = scenario->terrain.db->posToScreen(ent()->pos);
   for (int i = 0; i<proximatelist.count(); i++) {
      Vt_Entity* oth = proximatelist[i]; Coord2D t = scenario->terrain.db->posToScreen(oth->pos);
      ogl_draw->drawLine(f, t);

float mean_heading, mean_speed;
float auto_heading, auto_speed;

// compute the mean heading
getMeanValues(mean_heading, mean_speed);

// position yourself
autoDirection(auto_heading, auto_speed);

if (cnode && cnode->elist && cnode->elist->count() > split) escape = 1;
else escape = 0;

if (viewlist.count() && !escape)
   float alea = DEG2RAD(frand(-1, 1));
   ent()->setHeading(mean_heading + auto_heading + alea);
   mean_speed *= auto_speed;
   ent()->setSpeed(BOUND(mean_speed, 5, 30));
if (escape) {
   if (RANDOM(1, 10) < 5) { // half of them must evade ent()->setHeading(DEG2RAD(RANDOM(-180,180)));
      ent()->setSpeed(RANDOM(5, 15));
      escape = RANDOM(1, 10); // more or less far
else { // other wise, some leaders can change direction
   if (RANDOM(1, 20) == 1) ent()->setHeading(DEG2RAD(RANDOM(-20, 20)));

// check obstacle
if (obs) {

if (error) { // return center
   WCoord center;

ObstaclesMotion Component:

// Data & Interface Section:
   float  dx;        //&&
   float  dy;        //&&
   char   obs_s[NS]; //&& LBL[Obstacles] TYPE[zone]

   ZoneRep* obs;

   int *s_dx, *s_dy;
  case INIT: {    // at first start
     s_dx = NULL;
     s_dy = NULL;
  } break;

  case RESET: {
     obs = (ZoneRep*) scen()->findFeature(obs_s);
     if (obs) {
        int nb = obs->nb();
        if (!s_dx) s_dx = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*nb);
        if (!s_dy) s_dy = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*nb);
        for (int i=0; i < nb; i++) {
           s_dx[i] = COF()? -1:1;
           s_dy[i] = COF()? -1:1;
  } break;
  if (obs) {
     for (int i=0; inb(); i++) {
        ShapeRep* shape = obs->getShape(i);
        shape->data.center.x += dx * s_dx[i];
        shape->data.center.y += dy * s_dy[i];

        if (shape->data.center.x > 400)  s_dx[i] = -1;
        if (shape->data.center.x < -400) s_dx[i] = +1; 
        if (shape->data.center.y > 200)  s_dy[i] = -1;
        if (shape->data.center.y < -360) s_dy[i] = +1; 
Download the standalone demo:
Download the zip file.
Unzip it wherever you want (keep all in a directory).
Launch: boids_simulation.exe
Download the database (vsTASKER v7):
Download the zip database.
Unzip it in Data/Db/OpenGL
Load it with vsTASKER GUI v7 or newer